Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Beach Experience

The deep calls my name, its’ hum,

That of the waves … repetitive,

That of snake charmers … hypnotizing.


Glistening diamond rays of light,

Dance joyfully along the horizon,

Beckoning with a playful wink.


Retracting sands under foot,

Whispers a cautious warning,

“Don’t follow the rhythm”.


Whilst flirty summer breeze,

Teases curls of hair to life,

Fashioning chaos, a blissful sight.


Sea froth come forth to sponge away

Messages of love, hurt and dreams

Scribbled hastily on shifting sands


The sun disk beyond keeps watch,

Tracing figures over yearning skin,

Tinting it with adoring warmth.


Plunging thy soul into the sea,

Immersed in its eternal vastness,

Can’t fight enchantment.

© Sherine Meshad, 22 Aug 2006

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