Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sugarcoated Medicine

Sugarcoated medicine,

Just as hard to swallow,

For while the taste is not as sour,

The tang is bitter still.


Gulped down with loads of water,

Difficult to toss it down,

The pill is jagged, rough and ragged,

Nothing can drown it out.


“Take your remedy so you get better”

A restless voice chant in my ear,

A little white pill will make it all better,

The pain will vanish… literally disappear.


Dependence anew will take its place

A comfort blanket to pull you through

For what could possible drown the blues

Quite like a sugarcoated pill or two?


© Sherine Meshad, 25 February 2007

1 comment:

Juka said...

I really love the idea and the execution ya Sherry.